Young People Achieve Arts Success

A group of young people who are turning their lives around in a positive way have recently achieved success within the Arts during a five week summer arts project during July and August.

Neath Port Talbot Youth Offending Team (YOT) recently helped six young people aged between 13 and 17 to achieve their Bronze Arts Award.

The Arts Award scheme is funded by the Arts Council and is a nationally accredited qualification, which aims to help young people gain skills, nurture talent and encourage participation in all areas of the Arts.

The young people in Neath Port Talbot were engaged in a variety of art activities which included painting, ceramics, and film-making over the summer period at Neath YMCA. They also engaged in outdoor activities such as ‘Call of the Wild’, which helps with team-building skills and developing confidence and self-esteem.

The young people were presented with their Arts Award certificates by the Leader of Neath Port Talbot Council, Ali Thomas and Deputy Leader Peter Rees.

The presentation was held at Neath Little Theatre, and was attended by the young people, families and friends, YOT workers and volunteers, and theatre members. The presentation was considered to be a great success, with all the young people’s work on display being highly praised.

Congratulating the young people, Council Leader, Ali Thomas, said:

“I am extremely pleased with the results achieved by the young people on the Summer Project. Everyone has worked very hard to support the young people and ensure they gain the recognition they deserve.

“Hopefully the young people will use this invaluable learning experience to build on any future opportunities that may come their way.

“Thanks must go to the staff of the Youth Offending Team and the volunteers who helped make the project a success.”


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