‘Alcohol Abuse Must be Tackled’

Darren Millar

Darren Millar

Responding to the recommendation of the Welsh Government’s independent advisory panel on substance misuse that minimum pricing per unit of alcohol should be introduced in Wales, Darren Millar AM, Shadow Minister for Health and Social Services, said:

“The cost of alcohol abuse is incalculable and is often a contributory factor in homelessness, unwanted pregnancy, violence, road accidents, marital break-up and obesity.

“Alcohol abuse does serious harm to the wellbeing of individuals, their relationships and the wider community as well as having costly consequences for the National Health Service.

“A minimum unit price for alcoholic drinks will not address alcohol abuse alone, but is a step in the right direction and could form part of a package of measures, including better education about the dangers of regular over-indulgence.

“The risk of alcohol abuse is far higher in more deprived communities and minimum pricing could help deter supermarkets from loss-leader promotions which can prey on poorer vulnerable people.

“Welsh Conservatives will support the Welsh Government in implementing minimum alcohol pricing, but we also need to see a broader package of measures to tackle substance misuse, which is responsible for thousands of deaths every year.”


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