AMs speak out against Glyndwr changes

Two Welsh Conservative Assembly Members have spoken out against proposed changes to Glyndwr University in Wrexham.

North Wales AMs Mark Isherwood (pictured) and Antoinette Sandbach said plans to amalgamate the Uni would be a ‘severe blow’ to the area.

The proposals – now being considered by the Education Minister – have been put forward by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.

Ms Sandbach said: “These ill-conceived plans should not be taken forward by the Education Minister and I expect them to be rejected as soon as possible.

“Any forced merger would be a severe blow – both for the university – and North-East Wales as a whole.

“From his appointment as Education Minister, to the beginning of July, Mr Andrews had not even visited officials at Glyndwr to discuss university matters. How can he possibly know what’s best for them?”

Mr Isherwood said: “The Minister simply fails to understand that big is not always beautiful, more efficient or cost effective.

“He fails to understand the dynamics of North East Wales.

“Just because he has the power to force a post 1992 University to merge, doesn’t mean that he should bully them into doing so.”

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