Bourne: Wales fails to meet OECD standards

Commenting on new figures showing that Wales continues to trail other OECD and European nations in standards of healthcare, education and recycling, Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Nick Bourne AM, said:

“These figures show a disappointing lack of progress in delivering improvements in public services in Wales.

“After years of Labour-Plaid management of schools and the health service, Wales is in the bottom half of OECD countries for educational attainment and life expectancy.

“Due to Labour-Plaid’s failure to harness alternative renewable energies other than wind turbines, Wales ranks as one of the worst performing countries for renewable energy generation.

“These figures are a sad reflection of the state of services that the people of Wales can expect from Labour-Plaid.

“The fact that Wales is failing to meet key standards, despite obvious investment, suggests that Wales needs a change of management in Cardiff Bay.”


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