Schools visit Flintchire Council chamber Pupils and teachers from two Flintshire primary schools visited County Hall in Mold recently. Sealand CP school pupils met...
And the winner is… Laura Farrell is the Network She ‘Manager of the Year’ 2011 Congratulations to Laura Farrell, Service Manager at Crime Prevention Services Ltd, Northop, Flintshire, on winning the Network She ‘Manager...
Celebrating their centuries Three Flintshire ladies all over the age of 100 recently enjoyed a visit to see the Chair of Flintshire...
The Arabian Nights come to Flintshire The magic carpets from the Arabian Nights will be flying into Flintshire in December, as part of the Christmas...
Sailor’s family hear tragic tale of his final voyage An expert on Wales’ most famous shipwreck which sunk 150 years ago has traced the descendants of one of...
Council’s business development team congratulates award winning local business woman Flintshire County Council’s Business Development Team would like to congratulate Louise Wilson, Director of Wagtail UK Ltd, who recently...
Air cadets help clear the coastal path Holywell air cadets successfully tackled an overgrown section of the All Wales Coastal Path recently. The air cadets joined...
Flintshire County Council – Community Chest Grant 2011/12 – Round 3 The Community Chest Grant Scheme was established to support voluntary and community activity in Flintshire. In the past a...
Official opening of Deeside Leisure Centre’s Health and Fitness Suite North Wales’ flagship leisure centre is officially opening its state of the art health and fitness facilities on Monday...
Residents invited to have their say over the Council’s budget plans Flintshire County Council is keen to hear residents’ views as it plans its budget for next year and future...