Children in Caernarfon take part in crime course

Youngsters in Caernarfon have been learning all about crime prevention at an after school club.

Twenty one pupils between the ages of 9-11 years from Ysgol Talysarn are taking part in a 12 week Kids Against Crime course.

Talysarn Police Community Support Officer, Julie Holland said she decided to set up the course after reading about it on a national neighbourhood watch website.

She said: “The course is designed for the children to take more of an interest in their neighbourhoods, to increase their awareness of their personal safety and show them the effect of crime and disorder on a community.

“In the first week the children designed a logo and the best one was printed on T- shirts. They then learned about the roles of the police by trying on equipment i.e. vests etc. For the third and fourth week we took them to the local fire station and North Wales Police airbase to learn about fire safety and more about the role of the police.

“The children really seem to be enjoying the course and there is much more to come. I am fortunate to have a volunteer from Talysarn who helps me with the running of the different sessions and we have also received help and support with funding from Communities First in Talysarn. We have also had funding from Crimebeat and two local quarries. The Arson Reduction Team also funded the trip to the fire station.”

Next week PCSO Holland will be talking about anti social behaviour with a representative from the local housing association and an elderly resident. They will also learn all about home security checks and property marking.

In the following weeks youngsters will also learn about personal and computer safety, water safety and will design a poster about dog fouling and litter for the local council.

They will all be presented with a certificate after completing the 12 week course.

Photograph: Pupils from Ysgol Talysarn with the North Wales Police helicopter
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