Compensation for churches affected by wireless microphone spectrum switchover

Ofcom have published the details of a compensation package for users of licensed wireless microphone systems whose equipment may effectively be made redundant following changes to spectrum allocation due to take effect in 2012.

This is likely to affect large churches and cathedrals currently using Channel 69, which tend to be those using four or more wireless microphones, or those in dense urban areas which have experienced problems with interference in the use of unlicensed channels. Compensation of up to 55 per cent of the cost of replacement equipment, or modification costs up to the same amount, are likely to be available to such churches if they held a valid Channel 69 licence during 2008. It is, however, vital that such churches register with the scheme administrator between September and December this year, in order to be eligible for the compensation.

For more details on how to register, see Ofcom’s detailed material on the following weblink Your PA installation company should also be able to help with further advice.

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