Farmers worldwide meet in Wales to promote Fair Trade

The Counsel General today welcomed farmers from Wales, Africa, Asia and Latin America to Abergavenny to debate the issues surrounding fair trade and sustainable food.

John Griffiths welcomed participants to the Fair Trade, Sustainable Food and Climate Change Summit: The Big Food Debate, which took place today (Thursday 16 September) at the renowned Abergavenny Food Festival.

The Counsel General said:

“We decided several years ago in Wales that an important issue for international sustainable development was the need to support Fair Trade in buying produce from developing countries.

“We were very proud to be declared the world’s first Fair Trade Nation two years ago.

“We saw being a Fair Trade Nation as a journey and an ongoing commitment, not a final destination, so we have continued to support the growth of the Fair Trade movement in Wales.”

The Welsh Assembly Government’s Wales for Africa programme funded the Summit, which aims to put Wales in the forefront of debate and analysis on future sustainable international food supplies.

The Summit will provide greater understanding and awareness of food supply issues among Welsh farmers, and they will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the future problems facing their producers from all over the globe.


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