Millar: WAG must act to prevent unauthorised absences during World Cup

Shadow Minister for Local Government Darren Millar AM has written today to the Permanent Secretary Dame Gillian Morgan to ask her what action is being taken to prevent inappropriate absences by civil servants during the FIFA World Cup tournament.

Commenting on the letter, Mr Millar said:

“A number of surveys have been undertaken by World Cup sponsors and human resources management organisations which suggest that rates of absenteeism in the workplace are likely to increase during the tournament period.

“Government departments will not be immune to the challenge that this presents

“There will be increased temptation for football fans to ‘pull a sickie’ to either watch a big game or recover from a night of excessive drinking in the euphoria surrounding the tournament – I am keen to ensure that taxpayer’s money doesn’t pick up the tab.

“I have no doubt that the World Cup will cause much excitement for football fans here in Wales and it is crucial that the business of government goes on without unnecessary disruption caused by inappropriate absences.

“Instead of burying its head in the sand, the Assembly Government should look at flexible working and encouraging staff to use holiday entitlement so that fans don’t miss out on the action.”

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