Morgan: Call to support Welsh Veterans

Welsh Conservatives today expressed regret at Labour-Plaid’s decision not to back plans for a Veterans Card recognising the commitment of Welsh members of the armed forces.

In a debate on the Welsh Conservatives’ proposals, Jonathan Morgan AM, Shadow Minister for Local Government, spoke of the 20 separate conflicts in which members of the Welsh armed forces have been involved since the Second World War.

Welsh Conservatives last week announced plans to keep the Free Bus Pass scheme and expand to veterans by entitling all ex-armed forces personnel to free local bus travel.  Other benefits include free swimming, free access to CADW heritage sites and priority NHS treatment for service-related injuries and medical conditions.

Jonathan Morgan said, “We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our armed forces who risk their lives on a daily basis to fight for the freedoms we enjoy.

“Many veterans face a difficult transition to civilian life after their years of dedicated service and some face debilitating injuries and long-term medical conditions.

“A Veterans Card would recognise the loyalty and courage of our armed forces by improving their access to NHS treatment, which is currently patchy and inconsistent.

“While we celebrate the work of our veterans annually on Armed Forces Day and commemorate their sacrifices on Armistice Day, as a society we do not do enough to recognise the enormous contribution they make to life in Wales today.

“While I am disappointed that Labour-Plaid voted against these proposals, we will continue to advance a strong case for further support of our armed forces who put their lives on the line in the service of our nation.”


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