MP Co-Authors History of Miners’ Library

L-r, Vice Chancellor of Swansea University Prof. Richard B Davies, Hywel Francis MP with co-author Sian Williams. Photograph by James Davies

L-r, Vice Chancellor of Swansea University Prof. Richard B Davies, Hywel Francis MP with co-author Sian Williams. Photograph by James Davies

Aberavon MP Dr Hywel Francis is the co-author with Sian Williams of Swansea University of a new commemorative book, ‘Do Miners Read Dickens? Origins and Progress of the South Wales Miners’ Library’, on the institution he founded forty years ago.

Dr Francis said:

“I would like to pay tribute to my co-author Sian Williams who as librarian has transformed the South Wales Miners’ Library over the last decade into a major centre for research on the South Wales coalfield and a resource for adults studying part time in South West Wales.

The book we have written together tells the story of the last generation of self-educated men and women who created the great Workmen’s Institute libraries. These were places of learning for future trades union, community and political leaders, such as Aneurin Bevan, founder of the NHS.

In my own constituency of Aberavon there were many fine libraries influenced not just by the miners union, as in the Afan Valley, but also by the Cooperative movement and by the ILP as in Briton Ferry.”

Dr Francis finally added:

“The book also includes the memories of many adult students who have benefitted from the library, including Tyrone O’Sullivan, leader of the successful Tower Mines Cooperative.”

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