National School Meals Week

Primary schools across Cardiff will be marking National School Meals Week this week – the biggest national healthy eating awareness event about school meals in Britain.

National School Meals Week has been running since 1993 and is organised by the Local Authority Caterers Association (LACA). The week encourages schoolchildren to enjoy a healthy school meal that meets the nutritional standards laid down by the Government.

Get Remembering Day on Friday November 11 is part of National School Meals Week when young people across the country will be encouraged to think about those who have given their lives or been injured during war.

Children in Cardiff will be able to enjoy a Get Remembering themed menu which features traditional British fare such as roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes and gravy. The menus for the day will include information on many foods that were rationed during the war years.

Cardiff children have played a key role in promoting Get Remembering Day, following the visit of Falklands War hero Simon Weston to Hawthorn Primary School earlier this year to film a video message, which now features on the National School Meals Week website, as part of the National School Meals Week campaign.

Former Welsh Guardsman Simon enjoyed a tasty lunch after speaking to the children at the Llandaff North school about Remembrance, the wartime diet and the importance of eating healthily.

Cardiff Catering, the Council’s in-house education catering service that provides approximately 33,000 meals a day at over 140 locations across the city, is a strong supporter of National School Meals Week. The service is committed to providing healthy, nutritionally-balanced meals using top quality produce from ethical sources.

Executive Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, Cllr Freda Salway, said: “Eating a healthy, nutritious meal during the school day is essential for children’s wellbeing. A school lunch helps young people recharge their batteries to be at their best for afternoon lessons.

“We’re very proud of our school meals service in Cardiff and are pleased to once again be supporting National School Meals Week.”


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