“No fair deal for Welsh communities from Tory Lib Dem coalition” says Plaid

Plaid Cymru has slammed the Tories and Lib Dems in Wales for failing to get a fair deal for Welsh communities from their London bosses. Plaid Cymru AMs have expressed extreme disappointment that the Tory Lib Dem coalition document published today makes it clear that nothing will be done to get fair funding for Wales.

The independent Holtham report highlighted that Wales is currently underfunded by around £300m a year and called for a halt to any further cuts before a better funding system was put in place. Plaid Finance spokesperson Chris Franks AM said that it is clear from the reference to Holtham in the coalition document that the Tories and Lib Dems in Wales have absolutely no influence over their London bosses. He said that it proves from the outset, the new Westminster coalition has shown a complete disregard for the people of Wales.

Plaid AM Bethan Jenkins recently wrote to the leader of the Lib Dems in the Assembly, Kirsty Williams to remind her that she had called upon UK ministers to act immediately to implement the Holtham Commission’s findings when the report was published in July last year. Ms Jenkins said that Welsh communities will feel particularly let down by the Lib Dems who, in opposition, had demanded action to address the funding shortfall.

Plaid’s Finance spokesperson, Chris Franks AM said:

“The Tory Lib Dem coalition document makes it clear that while the Tories and Lib Dems recognise the fact that Wales is losing £300m a year, they will do absolutely nothing about it. They clearly don’t care that any cuts they make to the Welsh budget will be on top of the current funding shortfall. Why should the people of Wales be expected to pay double for the UK deficit? It is totally unfair for the UK government to expect Welsh communities to shoulder any further cuts on top of the existing burden.

“The publication of this coalition agreement has shattered any credibility that the Lib Dems and Tories ever had in Wales. How can anyone believe a word they say from now on after this proof that they will say one thing get people’s votes, but do another when they reach government. Cheryl Gillan, Nick Bourne and Kirsty Williams should hang their heads in shame.”

Plaid AM for South Wales West, Bethan Jenkins said:

“The people of Wales will not be surprised that the Tories are not standing up for their needs but they may well have expected more from the Lib Dems. If there was one thing that the Lib Dems in Wales needed to get out of their newfound friendship with the Tories it was a fair deal for Welsh communities. Back when the Holtham commission published its recommendations Kirsty Williams called for immediate action to address the underfunding of Wales. Yet now her party is in government with the Tories, she has failed to put her money where her mouth is and get a fair deal for Welsh communities. In the letter that I sent to Ms Williams I asked for details of representations she made to David Cameron when she met with him on Monday regarding the Holtham commission recommendations and fair funding for Wales. The publication of the coalition agreement would suggest that either didn’t make any or that her voice is utterly ignored in the new Tory – Lib Dem arrangement. If Kirsty and the Lib Dems had any influence over the Tories at all they should have secured a fair deal for Welsh communities immediately.”


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