Parts of Neath Canal set to get makeover

The land around Ynysbwllog Aqueduct and Cyd Terrace along Neath Canal are set to get a makeover.

With over £200,000 of funding recently approved from WAG (Welsh Assembly Government) SRA (Strategic Regeneration Area), VRP (Valleys Regional Park) and the Environment Agency Splash grant work is expected to start this month.

Mackley Davies Consultants have been appointed to carry out design work for environmental enhancements for both sites and T. Richard Jones contractors have been appointed to carry out the construction works.

Works will include providing a new access to the car park at Ynysbwllog Aqueduct to improve access for boats to the existing launch ramp, a feature entrance for visitors, new signage and information boards at the car park and aqueduct site.

Other improvements will include planting, new surfaced paths suitable for disabled access, a picnic area and seating.

Environmental improvements will also be carried out at Cyd Terrace.  These will include installing parking bays for visitors, a new footpath alongside the canal adjacent to the highway and a pedestrian bridge over the canal outfall.

Other plans include putting local school artwork panels in the footpath, new railings along highway, information boards and new signage.  There will also be works carried out to improve drainage and a new bus stop and shelter installed.

The work is likely to be completed by March 2010

Ali Thomas, Leader of Neath Port Talbot Council, said, “This work is part of the Council’s overall Environment Programme to improve the physical environment of local communities.

Neath Canal is a popular attraction for both local residents and tourists and many people spend leisurely hours taking in the splendour of the surrounding areas. Tourism is a major feature of the valleys’ regeneration programme and we are always looking at ways to improve facilities.”


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