RCT Council achieves reduction in senior posts

A streamlining of the Council’s senior managerial tiers, initiated by the Council’s Cabinet, has resulted in a twenty percent reduction in the headcount.

The Council Leader announced this progress at a special Budget Cabinet meeting, and emphasised how the Council has continuously improved overall performance, as evidenced by the Wales Audit Office Annual Reports.

The streamlining process was initiated as part of the Council’s medium term financial planning programme which has delivered over £40M of savings in recent years.

The efficiency programme is also set to deliver over £8M of efficiency savings in the coming financial year as the Council works to address the effects of the Comprehensive Spending Review.

Leader of the Council, County Borough Councillor Russell Roberts said:

“In the current climate it is vital that the Council operates in the most efficient manner possible.

“In such challenging times, strong and capable professional management is more important than ever.

“Our medium-term financial planning process has already delivered £40M of savings in the last three years. Our approach to working for efficiently and effectively is hugely important in the current financial climate.

“The Council has received its lowest ever financial settlement, but despite this Cabinet has delivered a balanced budget. We have only been able to do this because of our strong track record in deliver efficiency savings.

“The streamlining of our top managerial tier in recent years has delivered important savings.

“We have also reduced our managerial headcount significantly, by some 20% in recent years. Our senior management levels are significantly less than our neighbouring authorities.

“By working more efficiently we are ensuring the Council’s finite resources are directed at delivering important frontline services.

“The Council continues to perform strongly as recognised annually by the Wales Audit Office Annual Reports.

“We have undertaken this process through general turnover and management of head count and as a result delivered significant savings.”

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