Willott: Claire’s Law will Help Protect Women from Violence

Jenny Willott, the Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central, has today welcomed backing from the Home Secretary for ‘Clare’s Law’, which will help to protect women from violent partners.

‘Clare’s Law’ would allow the police to tell women if their partner has had a violent past in order to reduce the number of incidences of domestic violence.

It is named after Clare Wood, a 36 year old woman who was killed by George Appleton, a man she met through the internet who had a history of violent conduct against women, of which she was unaware.

Jenny Willott is strongly supporting the cross-party proposals and today welcomed news that Home Secretary, Theresa May MP, was strongly considering the proposals.

Commenting Jenny said:

“Clare’s Law would allow vulnerable women to access better information to protect themselves, and will mean that fewer women, and men, are put at risk by those with a history of violence.

“In a time of internet dating, more and more people are unaware of their potential partner’s background and this can put them at risk.

“We need to make sure that any new law has safeguards built in to prevent civil liberties being abused, but with two women a week being killed by their partners, we do need to make sure that women are able to make informed choices about their relationships.”

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