Bates: Time to end discussions and make decisions over future of Dyfi Bridge

Welcoming the news that repairs are complete and the Dyfi Bridge is set to reopen, Montgomeryshire AM Mick Bates has called for an end to discussions and for a decision to be made on the future of this historic bridge, to safeguard it for the future and prevent further damage from flooding and heavy vehicles.

Commenting, Mick Bates AM said:

“I welcome the news that repairs are complete on the Dyfi Bridge, but the time for sticking a plaster on the problem and forgetting about it is over.  I’ve campaigned for many years for an improved crossing over the Dyfi River and am exasperated by the lack of action by the Welsh Government.

“The 200 year old, Grade II listed Dyfi Bridge is a valuable historic and architectural monument and must be safeguarded.  Too often it is being damaged by flooding, or most recently a scuff with a lorry caused the bridge to crumble into the river.  The A487 is a key transport route and the volume of traffic that travels over the bridge is simply too much.

“I have lobbied the Heritage and Transport Minister for many years but it seems that no-one wants to take responsibility!  A year ago the Transport Minister told me that his officials had been in discussions with CADW, but so far had been inconclusive in finding a way forward and he would ask his officials to redouble efforts.  One year on the Minister continues to look at options for the future of this crossing.

“It is time to end discussions and make some decisions.  I support the call of local Cllr Williams for a new bridge further upstream, which is a common sense solution.  It would allow for more gentle and sustainable use of the existing bridge perhaps as a cycle path, with a new bridge providing a more suitable crossing for transport and heavy traffic further upstream.

“It is high time for a decision on the future of the Dyfi River crossing and I will be increasing pressure on the Deputy First Minister to bring forward rational plans for the Dyfi Bridge, to improve the situation for road users in Mid Wales.”

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