Willott welcomes start of official election campaign

Commenting on the start of the official election campaign, after the Prime Minster asked the Queen to dissolve Parliament, Jenny Willott, the Liberal Democrat MP for Cardiff Central, said:

“I am very pleased that the election is finally getting underway and that people will have a chance to show what they think of the Labour Government and Gordon Brown.

“Both Labour and the Tories offer more of the same.  Gordon Brown was responsible for the worst disasters of the last 13 years and the Tories supported them all – the war in Iraq, the greed of bankers, a refusal to reform Parliament.

“This election is about fairness and change.

“The Liberal Democrats want to see a fair tax system, where no one pays tax on earnings under £10,000; we want to see a fair voting system, where MPs can be held directly accountable to each constituent; and we want to see a fair society where every child gets a strong start in life, no matter what their social background.

“I am looking forward to campaigning in Cardiff Central and to talking to people to show why a vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote to make Britain better.”


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